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DNAOP 0.00-5.02-95
Instruction on procedure of permits on construction repair and renovation of lifting structures or machines and controlling process on making these works
DNAOP 0.00-5.03-95
Standard Operating Procedure for crane drivers (operators) of jib self-propelled (automobile, caterpillar, rail, pneumatic) cranes
DNAOP 0.00-5.04-95
Standard Operating Procedure for slingers (grab drivers) who are serving cranes
DNAOP 0.00-5.05-95
Standard Operating Procedure for crane drivers (operators) of tower cranes
DNAOP 0.00-8.09-95
State control procedure of labour protection in the system of State Control of Labour Protection
DNAOP 0.04-6.02-95
Radioactive waste. Containers for disposal of solid radioactive waste. Requirements for radiation safety
DNAOP 10.0-5.35-95
Mineworkers' formation instructions
DNAOP 8.5.10-4.01-95
Occupational Safety Management System for Enterprises, organisations and Institutions of the State Committee on Geology and Subsoil Use of Ukraine /SUOP/
NAOP 8.5.10-4.01-95
Occupational Health and Safety Management System at Enterprises, Organizations and Institutions of the State Committee of Ukraine on Geology and Subsoil Use /SUOT/
NAPB B.02.012-95
Regulation on the procedure and conditions of compulsory personal insurance of workers departmental and local fire protection and members of voluntary fire brigades (teams) regulations
NPAOP 0.00-5.03-95
Standard Operating Procedure for crane drivers (operators) of jib self-propelled (automobile, caterpillar, rail, pneumatic) cranes
NPAOP 0.00-5.04-95
Standard operational procedure for slingers (grab drivers) who are serving cranes
NPAOP 0.00-5.05-95
Standard Operating Procedure for crane drivers (operators) of tower cranes
NPAOP 02.0-1.08-95
Job safety regulations for trees and stumps removal in the settlements of Ukraine
NPAOP 10.0-5.35-95
On Approval of the Instruction for Training Coal Mines Workers
VNAOP 6.1.36-5.01-95
ManuaI arc welding safety instructions (for employees)
VNAOP 6.1.36-5.02-95
Gas-flame metal treatment safety instructions (for employees)
VNAOP 6.1.36-5.03-95
Safety during maintenance of the radiographic control instructions (for radiographic operators)
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