Other UA norms

DK 004:2008
DK 004:2008
Ukrainian classifier of regulatory documents (ICS: 2005, MOD)
DSanPiN 4.4.4-152-2008
DSanPiN 4.4.4-152-2008
State sanitary norms and rules for enterprises producing malt, beer and soft drinks
DSanPiN 9.9.5-153-2008
DSanPiN 9.9.5-153-2008
Organization of work of laboratories in the study of material that contains biological pathogenic agents of the I-IV pathogenicity groups by molecular genetic methods
DSSDD 12-2008
DSSDD 12-2008
Method for estimated determination of thermal conductivity of liquid N-alkanes C1-C25 on the boiling line.
DSSDD 13-2008
DSSDD 13-2008
Method for estimated determination of density of liquid N-alkanes (C1-C20) Under the pressure up to 500 MPa.
MV 10.10.2-154-2008
MV 10.10.2-154-2008
Virological monitoring in the system of epidemiological surveillance of enterovirus infection and ways to improve it. guidelines
MV 6.6.1-
MV 6.6.1-
Sampling, primary processing and determination of 90Sr and 137Cs content in food products. guidelines
NAPB 05.038-2008
NAPB 05.038-2008
Manual for automatic foam fire extinguishing installations
NAPB 05.039-2008
NAPB 05.039-2008
Instructions for the design and construction of automatic installations for extinguishing fires in tanks with oil and petroleum products
NAPB 07.023-2008
NAPB 07.023-2008
Scheme of the main organizational structures of the Ukrainian civil defense troops and the state fire brigade, equated with the bodies and divisions of the civil protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
NAPB 07.024-2008
NAPB 07.024-2008
On improving the activities of state fire supervision authorities
NAPB B.03.003-2008
NAPB B.03.003-2008
Fire Prevention Standards for the Enterprises of the Wine Industry
NPAOP 45.2-2.01-08
NPAOP 45.2-2.01-08
Procedure for the commissioning of completed construction projects

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