Ukraine DBN, DSTU, VBN, VSN regulations now available in English-ykr2612

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We have access to virtually any technical requirements, codes and norms related to Import and Export, Construction, Oil and Gas, Operation, Railway, Safety, Environment Protection and other activities. An example would be DBN, DSTU, VBN, VSN, GOST, NPAON, NPAOP, DNAOP, NPB, SNiP, SanPiN, TR TS, SP 13330, SP 13130, and many more. 
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Moreover we provide Laws, Decrees, Resolutions, Rules and Legal Letters and Instructions issued by the Ukraine Federal government, Parliament, regional agencies and other bodies.  

Below is a list of some codes that we have in English. Regulatory library in English is currently the largest on the internet, with over 120,000 regulatory documents. We add, on average, 50-100 new documents monthly. Any major agency and any country of the former USSR is covered: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, and many more.


keywords: Electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word DOCX versions. Hardcopy editions. Immediate download. Download here. On sale. ISBN, SKU. RGTT | Immediate PDF Download. Russian regulations (GOST, SNiP) norms (PB, NPB, RD, SP, OST, STO) and laws in English. |; Codes , Letters , NP , POT , RTM , TOI, DBN , MDK , OND , PPB , SanPiN , SNB, STB, TR TS, Decisions , MDS , ONTP , PR , SN , TSN, Decrees , MGSN , Orders , PUE , SNiP , TU, DSTU , MI , OST , R , SNiP RK , VNTP, GN , MR , Other norms , RD , SO , VPPB, GOST , MU , PB , RDS , SP , VRD, Instructions , ND , PNAE , Resolutions , STO , VSN, Laws , NPB , PND , RMU , TI , Construction , Engineering , Environment , Government, Health and Safety , Human Resources , Imports and Customs , Mining, Oil and Gas , Real Estate , Taxes , Transport and Logistics, railroad, railway, nuclear, atomic.
DSTU 4045-2001 .. Bogies of passenger cars on locomotive traction. General specifications.
DSTU 4046-2001 .. Process equipment of oil refining, petrochemical and chemical productions. Technical diagnostics. General technical requirements.
DSTU 4047-2001 .. Compressed hydrocarbon power gases for domestic consumption. Specifications.
DSTU 4048-2001 .. Geophysical survey of subsoil resources. Electromagnetic prospecting. Terms and definitions of basic concepts.
DSTU 4049-2001 .. Mainline passenger cars of locomotive traction Safety requirements.
DSTU 4050-2001 .. Signal special clothing. Jackets. Specifications.
DSTU 4051-2001 .. Wind power engineering. Wind power stations. General technical requirements.
DSTU 4052-2001 .. Crackers. General specifications.
DSTU 4053-2001 .. Stereophonic broadcasting system PilotOne. General technical requirements. Measurement methods.
DSTU 4054-2001 .. Labour consumption standards and the cost of works on standardization. Guidelines.
DSTU 4055-2001 .. Design and ergonomics. Nomenclature of design and ergonomics quality parameters of technical and industrial goods.
DSTU 4056-2001 .. Liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Methods of sampling.
DSTU 4057-2001 .. Textile materials. Method for identification of fibres.
DSTU 4058-2001 .. Petroleum fuel. Fuel oil. Specifications.
DSTU 4059-2001 .. Single- and dual-circuit gas apparatus with forced water circulation. General specifications.
DSTU 4060-2001 (GOST 30817-2003) .. Scintielectronic ionizing radiation detectors. Methods of control (GOST 30817-2003. ІDT) 
DSTU 4061-2001 .. Continuous castings. Macrostructure evaluation method.
DSTU 4062-2001 (GOST 12.4.222-2002) .. Special footwear with the leather upper part for protection against vibration. Specifications (GOST 12.4.222-2002. ІDT) 
DSTU 4063-2001 .. Motor petrol. Specifications.
DSTU 4064-2001 .. Metrology. State verification schedule for means measuring  electric capacity and tangent of loss angle.
DSTU 4065-2001 .. Energy efficiency. Energy audit. General technical requirements (ANSІ/ІEEE 739:1995. NEQ) 
DSTU 4066-2002 .. Alcoholized fruit juices. Specifications.
DSTU 4067-2002 .. Textiles -- Tests for colour fastness -- Part A06: Instrumental determination of 1/1 standard depth of colour
DSTU 4068-2002 .. Documentation. Report on geological study of subsurface. General requirements for design, presentation and content.
DSTU 4069-2002 .. Non-alcoholic beverages. General specifications.
DSTU 4070-2002 .. Tram cars. Safety and environmental protection requirements.
DSTU 4071-2001 .. Information technology - Open Distributed Management Architecture (CORBA) (ІSO/ІEC 13244:1998. Adm. 1:1999. MOD)
DSTU 4072-2001 .. Information technology - Language-Independent Procedure Calling (LIPC)(ІSO/ІEC 13886:1996. MOD) 
DSTU 4073-2002 .. Hydraulic fluid power. Cylinders. Seat dimensions for split rectangular section base rings for pistons and rods.
DSTU 4074-2001 .. Water quality - Determination of the acute lethal toxicity of substances to a freshwater fish (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)) - Part 1: Static method(ІSO 7346-1:1996. MOD) 
DSTU 4075-2001 .. Water quality; Determination of the acute lethal toxicity of substances to a freshwater fish (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)); Part 2 : Semi-static method ІSO 7346-2:1996. MOD) 
DSTU 4076-2001 .. Water quality - Determination of the acute lethal toxicity of substances to a freshwater fish (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)) - Part 3: Flow-through method (ІSO 7346-3:1996. MOD) 
DSTU 4077-2001 .. Water quality -- Determination of pH
DSTU 4078-2001 .. Water quality
DSTU 4079-2001 .. Water quality
DSTU 4080-2001 .. Water quality - Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium - Static test (Zahn-Wellens method)
DSTU 4081-2002 .. Energy efficiency. Energy labelling of electric household equipment. General technical requirements.
DSTU 4082-2002 .. Hard coal - Size analysis by sieving
DSTU 4083-2002 .. Bituminous coal and anthracite for powdered combustion at thermal power plants. Specifications.
DSTU 4084-2001 .. Homogenized preserved food for children. Specifications.
DSTU 4085-2001 .. Canned vegetables, vegetables and fruit, vegetable and meat for children. Specifications.
DSTU 4086-2001 .. Metrology. State verification scheme for means measuring material optical density.
DSTU 4087-2001 .. Metrology. State verification schedule for means measuring absorbed dose, absorbed dose rate of X- and gamma-rays.
DSTU 4088-2001 .. Metrology. State verification schedule for means measuring equivalent dose, equivalent dose rate of X- and gamma-rays.
DSTU 4089-2001 .. Metrology. State verification schedule for means measuring exposure dose, exposure dose rate of X- and gamma-rays.
DSTU 4090-2001 (GOST 31188-2003) .. Energy efficiency. Secondary energetic resources. Method for determination of output and use characteristics (GOST 31188-2003. ІDT) 
DSTU 4091-2001 .. Aviation meteorology. Terms and definitions of basic concepts.
DSTU 4092-2002 .. Traffic safety Traffic lights. General requirements and safety requirements.
DSTU 4093-2002 .. Cosmetic lotions and tonics. Specifications.
DSTU 4094-2002 .. Hairdresser's services. General requirements.
DSTU 4095-2002 .. Fire-extinguishing equipment. Gas fire-extinguishing installation. Units and battery equipment.General technical requirements.Test methods (ІSO 14520-1:2000. NEQ) 
DSTU 4096-2002 .. Brown coals, hard coals, anthracite, combustible shales and coal briquettes. Methods of sample selection and preparation of samples for laboratory tests (ІSO 1988:1975. ІSO 5069-1:1983. ІSO 5069-2:1983. NEQ) 
DSTU 4097.1-2002 .. Bitter hops. Part 1. Raw bitter hops. Specifications.
DSTU 4097.2-2002 .. Bitter hops. Part 2. Pressed bitter hops. Specifications.
DSTU 4098.1-2002 .. Aroma hops. Part 1. Raw aroma hops. Specifications.
DSTU 4098.2-2002 .. Aroma hops. Part 2. Pressed aroma hops. Specifications.
DSTU 4099:2009 .. Raw and pressed hop. Test methods
DSTU 4099-2002 .. Hop. Methods of sampling and test methods.
DSTU 4100-2002 .. Traffic signs. General specifications. Application rules.
DSTU 4101-2002 .. Post-harvest treatment of hop. Requirements and control of processes.
DSTU 4102-2002 .. Coffee products. Methods for determination of caffeine mass fraction.
DSTU 4105-2002 .. Pyrotechnic goods for household use. General safety requirements.
DSTU 4106-2002 .. Lubricating oils. Index nomenclature.
DSTU 4107-2002 .. Water quality. Sampling. Part 16. Instructions on biotesting (ІSO 5667-16:1998. MOD) 
DSTU 4108-2002 .. Programmable controllers - Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests
DSTU 4109-2002 (GOST 30821-2002) .. Textile materials. Methods for discolouration assessment using measuring equipment (ІSO 105-A04:1989. MOD)
DSTU 4110-2002 .. Energy efficiency. Methods of analysis and calculation of energy consumed (ANSІ/ІEEE 739:1995. NEQ) 
DSTU 4111.1-2002 .. Wheat flour -- Physical characteristics of dough -- Part 1: Determination of water absorption and rheological properties using a farinograph
DSTU 4111.2-2002 .. Wheat flour -- Physical characteristics of dough -- Part 2: Determination of rheological properties using an extensograph
DSTU 4111.3-2002 .. Wheat flour -- Physical characteristics of dough -- Part 3: Determination of water absorption and rheological properties using a valorigraph
DSTU 4111.4-2002 .. Wheat flour
DSTU 4112.10-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of alkalinity of ash substances.
DSTU 4112.11:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of chlorides. 
DSTU 4112.12:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of sulphates. 
DSTU 4112.1-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Determination of density and relative density at the temperature of 20 0 C. Control method.
DSTU 4112.13-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of total acidity. Control method. 
DSTU 4112.14-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Determination of volatile acids. Control method. 
DSTU 4112.15-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of non-volatile acids. 
DSTU 4112.16:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of dihydroxysuccinic acid. 
DSTU 4112.17:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of citric acid. 
DSTU 4112.18:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of lactic acid. 
DSTU 4112.19:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of L-malic acid. 
DSTU 4112.2:2003 .. Grape must. Refractometric method for determination of sucrose. 
DSTU 4112.20:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of D-malic acid. 
DSTU 4112.21:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Methods of definition of total malic acid. 
DSTU 4112.22:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Methods for determination of sorbic acid. 
DSTU 4112.23:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of L-ascorbic acid. 
DSTU 4112.24-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of pH. 
DSTU 4112.25-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Methods for determination of sulphur dioxide. 
DSTU 4112.26:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Methods of the  determination of sodium. 
DSTU 4112.27:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method of the determination of potassium. 
DSTU 4112.28:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of magnesium. 
DSTU 4112.29:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method of the determination of calcium 
DSTU 4112.30:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of iron. Control method. 
DSTU 4112.31:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of copper. 
DSTU 4112.32:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of cadmium. 
DSTU 4112.3-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Determination of alcohol content. Control method.
DSTU 4112.33:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for the determination of argentum 
DSTU 4112.34:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method of the determination of zinc. 
DSTU 4112.35:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method of the determination of lead. 
DSTU 4112.36:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of fluorides. 
DSTU 4112.37-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of carbon dioxide. 
DSTU 4112.38:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for the determination of cyanic compounds. 
DSTU 4112.39:2003 .. Wines and wine materials. Method for determination of allyl isothiocyanate. 
DSTU 4112.40:2003 .. Wines, wine materials and must. Method for determination of colour characteristic. 
DSTU 4112.41:2003 .. Wines, wine materials and must. Method for determination of phenolic substances (Folin-Ciocalteu index) 
DSTU 4112.4-2002 .. Wines and wine materials. Determination of total dry extract by density. Control method. 

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