Ukraine DBN, DSTU, VBN, VSN regulations now available in English-k16u1

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We have access to virtually any technical requirements, codes and norms related to Import and Export, Construction, Oil and Gas, Operation, Railway, Safety, Environment Protection and other activities. An example would be DBN, DSTU, VBN, VSN, GOST, NPAON, NPAOP, DNAOP, NPB, SNiP, SanPiN, TR TS, SP 13330, SP 13130, and many more. 
We have a complete set of requirements for Import and Export of Food, Equipment, Machinery, vehicles, Trucks and other Products to Ukraine and the Customs Union (Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Russia).
Moreover we provide Laws, Decrees, Resolutions, Rules and Legal Letters and Instructions issued by the Ukraine Federal government, Parliament, regional agencies and other bodies.  

Below is a list of some codes that we have in English. Regulatory library in English is currently the largest on the internet, with over 120,000 regulatory documents. We add, on average, 50-100 new documents monthly. Any major agency and any country of the former USSR is covered: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, and many more.


keywords: Electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word DOCX versions. Hardcopy editions. Immediate download. Download here. On sale. ISBN, SKU. RGTT | Immediate PDF Download. Russian regulations (GOST, SNiP) norms (PB, NPB, RD, SP, OST, STO) and laws in English. |; Codes , Letters , NP , POT , RTM , TOI, DBN , MDK , OND , PPB , SanPiN , SNB, STB, TR TS, Decisions , MDS , ONTP , PR , SN , TSN, Decrees , MGSN , Orders , PUE , SNiP , TU, DSTU , MI , OST , R , SNiP RK , VNTP, GN , MR , Other norms , RD , SO , VPPB, GOST , MU , PB , RDS , SP , VRD, Instructions , ND , PNAE , Resolutions , STO , VSN, Laws , NPB , PND , RMU , TI , Construction , Engineering , Environment , Government, Health and Safety , Human Resources , Imports and Customs , Mining, Oil and Gas , Real Estate , Taxes , Transport and Logistics, railroad, railway, nuclear, atomic.
DSTU EEK OON DDF 5:2007 //  Unshelled Sweet Almonds - UNECE Standard DF-05 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DDP 10:2007 //  Decorticated and Decorticated Peeled Pistachio Nuts - UNECE Standard DF-10 Relating to the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DDP-03:2007 //  Inshell Hazelnuts - UNECE Standard DDP-03 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DF 03:2007 //  Inshell Hazelnuts - UNECE Standard DDP-03 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DF 14:2007 //  Dried Figs - UNECE Standard DF-14 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DF 16:2007 //  Dried Apples - UNECE Standard DF-16 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DF 4:2007 //  Hazelnuts Kernels - Recommendation on Trial through 2008 for UNECE Standard DDP-04 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DF 9:2007 //  Unshelled Pistachio Nuts - UNECE Standard DF-09 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON ECE/AGRI/ 135:2007 //  Porcine Carcasses and Cuts - UN/ECE Standard
DSTU EEK OON ECE/AGRI/ 308:2007 //  Caprine Meat Carcasses And Cuts - UNECE Standard
DSTU EEK OON ECE/AGRI/ 326:2007 //  Bovine Meat, Carcasses And Cuts - UNECE Standard
DSTU EEK OON ECE/AGRI/ 355:2007 //  Chicken Meat, Carcasses and Cuts - UNECE Standard
DSTU EEK OON FFV 02:2008 //  Apricots - Recommendation on Trial through 2008 for UNECE Standard FFV-02 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 02:2009 //  Apricots - Recommendation on Trial through 2008 for UNECE Standard FFV-02 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 03:2007 //  Artichokes - UNECE Standard FFV-03 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 04:2007 //  Asparagus - UN/ECE Standard FFV-04 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 05:2007 //  Aubergines - UN/ECE Standard FFV-05 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality
DSTU EEK OON FFV 06:2007 //  Beans - UN/ECE Standard FFV-06 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 07:2007 //  Bilberries and Blueberries - UNECE Recommendation FFV-07 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 09:2007 //  Headed Cabbages - UN/ECE Standard FFV-09 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 10:2007 //  Carrots - UN/ECE Standard FFV-10 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 11:2007 //  Cauliflowers - UN/ECE Standard FFV-11 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 14:2007 //  Citrus Fruit - UNECE Standard FFV-14 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 16:2007 //  Fennel - UN/ECE Standard FFV-16 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 18:2007 //  Garlic - UN/ECE Standard FFV-18 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 19:2007 //  Table Grapes - UNECE Standard FFV-19 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 21:2007 //  Leeks - UNECE Standard FFV-21 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 22:2007 //  Lettuces, Curled-Leaved Endives and Broad-Leaved (Batavian) Endives - UNECE Standard FFV-22 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 23:2007 //  Melons - UNECE Standard FFV-23 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 24:2007 //  Cultivated Mushrooms (Agaricus) - UN/ECE Standard FFV-24 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 25:2007 //  Onions - UN/ECE Standard FFV-25 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 26:2007 //  Peaches and Nectarines - Recommendation on Trial through 2008 for UNECE Standard FFV-26 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 27:2007 //  Peas - UNECE Standard FFV-27 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 28:2007 //  Sweet Peppers - UNECE Standard FFV-28 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 29:2007 //  Plums - UNECE Standard/Recommendation FFV-29 Relating to the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 30:2007 //  Early Potatoes - UNECE Standard FFV-30 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 31:2007 //  Ware Potatoes - UNECE Standard FFV-31 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 35:2007 //  Strawberries - UNECE Standard FFV-35 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 36:2007 //  Tomatoes - UN/ECE Standard FFV-36 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 37:2007 //  Watermelons - UN/ECE Standard FFV-37 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 41:2007 //  Courgettes - UNECE Standard FFV-41 Concerning Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 42:2007 //  Avocados - UNECE Standard FFV-42 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 46:2007 //  Kiwifruit - UNECE Standard FFV-46 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 47:2008 //  Annonas - UNECE Standard FFV-47 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 50:2007 //  Apples - UNECE Standard FFV-50 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 51:2007 //  Pears - UNECE Standard FFV-51 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 52:2007 //  Early and Ware Potatoes - UNECE Recommendation FFV-52 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 53:2007 //  Fresh Truffles (Tuber) - UNECE Recommendation FFV-53 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON FFV 54:2007 //  Ceps - UNECE Standard FFV-54 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON N0. 42:2008 //  Chilled Eggs-in-Shell - UN/ECE Standard No. 44 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EN 10001-2002 //  Definition and classification of pig-irons
DSTU EN 10002-1:2006 //  Tensile testing of metallic materials. Method of test at ambient temperature
DSTU EN 10002-5:2006 //  Tensile testing of metallic materials. Method of test at elevated temperatures
DSTU EN 100114-1:2008 //  Rule of Procedure 14. Quality assessment procedures. CECC requirements for the approval of an organization
DSTU EN 10016-1:2006 //  Non-alloy steel rods for drawing and/or cold rolling. General requirements
DSTU EN 10016-2:2006 //  Non-alloy steel rods for drawing and/or cold rolling. Specific requirements for general purpose rod
DSTU EN 10020:2007 //  Definition and classification of grades of steel
DSTU EN 10020-2002 //  Definition and classification of grades of steel
DSTU EN 10021-2002 //  General technical delivery conditions for steel products
DSTU EN 10024:2004 //  Hot rolled taper flange I sections - Tolerances on shape and dimensions
DSTU EN 10025:2005 //  Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels. Technical delivery conditions
DSTU EN 10025-1:2007 //  Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 1: General technical delivery conditions
DSTU EN 10025-2:2007 //  Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels
DSTU EN 10025-3:2007 //  Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for normalized/normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural steels
DSTU EN 10025-4:2007 //  Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermo mechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels
DSTU EN 10025-5:2007 //  Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance
DSTU EN 10025-6:2007 //  Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 6: Technical delivery conditions for flat products of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition
DSTU EN 10027-1:2004 //  Designation systems for steels - Part 1: Steel names
DSTU EN 10027-2:2004 //  Designation systems for steels - Part 2: Numerical system
DSTU EN 10028-1:2006/GOST EN 10028-1:2007 //  Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 1: General requirements
DSTU EN 10028-2:2006/GOST EN 10028-2:2007 //  Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steels with specified elevated temperature properties
DSTU EN 10028-3:2006/GOST EN 10028-3:2007 //  Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 3: Weldable fine grain steels, normalized
DSTU EN 10028-4:2006/GOST EN 10028-4:2007 //  Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 4: Nickel alloy steels with specified low temperature properties
DSTU EN 10028-5:2006/GOST EN 10028-5:2007 //  Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 5: Weldable fine grain steels, thermo mechanically rolled
DSTU EN 10028-6:2006/GOST EN 10028-6:2007 //  Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 6: Weldable fine grain steels, quenched and tempered
DSTU EN 10028-7:2006/GOST EN 10028-7:2007 //  Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 7: Stainless steels
DSTU EN 10029:2005 //  Hot rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above - Tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass
DSTU EN 10034:2006 //  Structural steel I and H sections - Tolerances on shape and dimensions
DSTU EN 10036-2002 //  Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of total carbon in steels and irons - Gravimetric method after combustion in a stream of oxygen
DSTU EN 10045-1:2006 //  Metallic materials - Charpy impact test - Part 1: Test method
DSTU EN 10048:2005 //  Hot rolled narrow steel strip - Tolerances on dimensions and shape
DSTU EN 1005-1:2005 //  Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 1: Terms and definitions
DSTU EN 10051:2008 //  Continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels - Tolerances on dimensions and shape (includes amendment A1:1997)
DSTU EN 1005-2:2005 //  Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 2: Manual handling of machinery and component parts of machinery
DSTU EN 1005-3:2005 //  Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 3: Recommended force limits for machinery operation
DSTU EN 10055:2006 //  Hot rolled steel equal flange tees with radiused root and toes - Dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions
DSTU EN 10056-1:2006 //  Structural steel equal and unequal leg angles - Part 1: Dimensions
DSTU EN 10056-2:2009 //  Structural steel equal and unequal leg angles - Part 2: Tolerances on shape and dimensions
DSTU EN 10061:2006 //  Hot rolled hexagon steel bars for general purposes - Dimensions and tolerances on shape and dimensions
DSTU EN 10067:2006 //  Hot rolled bulb flats - Dimensions and tolerances on shape, dimensions and mass
DSTU EN 10071-2003 //  Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of manganese in steels and irons - Electrometric titration method
DSTU EN 10079-2002 //  Definition of steel products
DSTU EN 10083-1:2008 //  Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 1: General technical delivery conditions
DSTU EN 10083-2:2008 //  Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non alloy steels
DSTU EN 10083-3:2007 //  Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for alloy steels
DSTU EN 10084:2006 //  Case hardening steels - Technical delivery conditions
DSTU EN 10087:2009 //  Free-cutting steels - Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, hot-rolled bars and rods (ЕN 10087:1998, IDT)
DSTU EN 10088-1:2008 //  Stainless steels - Part 1: List of stainless steels
DSTU EN 10107:2009 //  Grain-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip delivered in the fully processed state
DSTU EN 10111:2008 //  Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Measurement of mass per unit area - Review of gravimetric and chemical analysis methods (ISO 10111:2000)
DSTU EN 10120:2004 //  Steel sheet and strip for welded gas cylinders
DSTU EN 1012-1:2005 //  Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety requirements - Part 1: Compressors
DSTU EN 1012-2:2006 //  Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety requirements - Part 2: Vacuum pumps
DSTU EN 10131:2009 //  Cold rolled uncoated and zinc or zinc- nickel electrolytically coated low carbon and high yield strength steel flat products for cold forming - Tolerances on dimensions and shape
DSTU EN 10136-2002 //  Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of nickel in steels and irons - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
DSTU EN 10140:2005 //  Cold rolled narrow steel strip - Tolerances on dimensions and shape
DSTU EN 10163-1:2005 //  Delivery requirements for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats and sections - Part 1: General requirements
DSTU EN 10163-2:2005 //  Delivery requirements for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats and sections - Part 2: Plate and wide flats
DSTU EN 10177-2002 //  Chemical analysis of ferrous materials - Determination of calcium in steels - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

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